one of the world's most current, accurate and complete online directories of film commissions and media support offices; allowing media professionals to find regional production expertise quickly. Commissions are listed regardless of their affiliation

Cyber Crime Freaks 1.0: a funny independent film site about a computer genius turning to a vengeful hacker. Free downloads, comics, movie trailers, and filmmaking FAQ

Film Connection: an entertainment industry talent placement service with 5,000 students worldwide who train on-site at major film studios, video production companies, radio and TV stations, recording studios and record labels the ultimate online starting point for film-makers & film-lovers! You can rate Reversal on their site here everything you want to know about indie films...and the people who make them

Model Pages International: provides exposure for its members using online portfolios. Their policy of no-nudity in photos insures safe viewing downloadable MP3 eMusic, eBooks, eArt, plus CDs, books, fine art and films by independent artists

Vision Quest is back: the novel written by Terry Davis is a classic — the story of wrestler Louden Swain's search for physical and spiritual victory on and off the mats. Read it again -- today